Let us tailor your best generator needs for your home and work place so you can enjoy the flawless life with The trust of Aksa.

Founded as an electrical motor factory by Ali Metin Kazancı in 1968, AKSA manufactured its first generator in 1984 and became an expert in machinery and hardware for electrical energy supply in a short amount of time. In 1994, Aksa community became corporate under the name Kazancı Holding and reorganized, achieving its current structure. Aksa has been the leader of generating sets market for a long period of time and is among Turkey’s largest 200 industrial companies and exporters.

Aksa and the Environment
Aksa Power Generation uses environment-friendly TGIC-free Triglycidyl Isocyanurate and lead-free powder paint to paint manufactured canopies and chassisses.CONTINUE…
Aksa Power Generation collects the packaging, nylon and parcel wastes of sold products in agreement with the Çevko Foundation.CONTINUE…
Aksa Power Generation, being the only generator firm that can perform a sound test, manufactures 28 products in accordance with the IEC 34CONTINUE…