What kind of generator meets the needs of my workplace?

In our daily life, generators have a life saving feature and can be used wherever power is needed. Such as small, medium and large-scale buildings, hospitals, agriculture areas, manufacturing plants, mining sites, data centers etc. We observe that the use of generators has become quite common in large or small all businesses that need uninterrupted electricity.

So what kind of generator should you use in your workplace?
Choosing a generator can be quite complicated in some cases. But with some important points, you can easily overcome this complexity.
The capacity and size of the generator is very essential so that your work is not interrupted. You can also proceed through certain steps to specify this capacity. First of all you need to determine your power requirements. Monthly electric bills plays an important role in determining generator size and power usage. You can compose all the bills of the past year and have an opinion for power usage.
You should also make a choice between portable or continuous generators when deciding according to which conditions you will choose a generator suitable for your business. If you operate your business in one location, a continuous generator is a good alternative to provide backup power. If you need less power than continuous generators and mobility is important to you, you can go for portable generators.

Broadly, you can make your generator selection by specifying the following steps;
  • Deciding for what purpose the generator will be used
  • Canopy/open type preference in terms of noise reduction
  • Fuel efficiency, type and operating time
  • Energy/power requirement
  • Portable or continuous working condition
  • Easy start-up and commissioning
  • Reliability and quality
  • Easy service access and availability of spare parts

Aksa Power Generation Workplace Solutions
As Aksa Power Generation, we have the potentiality to respond to all the generator needs of your business with our wide range of products in order to provide uninterrupted energy to our users.
Apart from these, you should know that choosing a generator requires professional tests and calculations. In all these processes, the AKSA team will assist you free of charge.
For more information and sales support, you can call 444 4 630 or contact us at aksa@aksa.com.tr.